Tashie George with IFRI-TRYV is an Elevate Hennepin business advisor offering Hennepin County businesses up to 25 hours of the following services at no cost through Elevate Hennepin:
Access to capital
- Identify applicable financing opportunities for business owners
- Provide financial education and literacy
- Offer commercial or personal credit counseling
- Identification of required documentation needed to apply for loans and grants, if available
- Assist with the completion of loan, grant or other application paperwork
- Assist businesses in preparing financial statements and projections
- Connect business owners to lending entities within the Elevate Hennepin network and assisting in preparing financials to approach lending entities.
Business strategy
- Business and strategic plan development
- Mission, vision development, and goal setting
- Industry and market analysis and customer segmentation
- Unique value proposition and competitive positioning
- SWOT Analysis
- Financial reports, projections, and forecasting
- Business profitability modeling
Financial management
- Impart financial education and literacy including how to read and interpret financial reports
- Provide financial counseling
- Assist in the development of a budget, cash flow, and other financial reports necessary to run a business
- Collaborate to create financial projections and forecasting
- Review product/service pricing, cost of goods sold, and other factors that affect profitability
- Conduct profitability modeling
Idea stage
- Coaching to refine the business idea
- Define the problem the product/service solves for
- Guidance through completing a business lean canvas
- Formulation of mission, vision, and unique value proposition
- Identify product(s)/service(s) offered
- Assistance understanding the market and industry
- Define target customers or creating a customer avatar
- Support client in testing and validating business concepts, size markets, & take initial steps
- Equip client to evaluate the viability of their business idea
- Assist clients with entity formation, seeking legal and accounting advisor input as needed
- Refer to other advisors as appropriate
IFRI-TRYV is a non-profit organization that provides innovate ways to improve productivity and provide stability for underprivileged and undeserved BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) businesses globally by “changing the mindset for prosperity.” We serve our clients by providing access to resources and capital, and thus bridging the disparities that BIPOC businesses face to set their business up for success. We ensure our clients are prepared to start, build, and grow a business, no matter their current standing. From our founding in 2020 to the present, we have delivered over 9,500 hours and counting of business coaching, in addition to community projects ranging from hosting annual BIPOC business expositions to empowering young women with vocational and entrepreneurial skills in Liberia. We are more than a service provider; we are a community builder and catalyst for prosperity.

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